Friday, December 13, 2019

The History of the Season: St. Nicholas

One of the single biggest figures that contributed to our modern Santa Claus, Saint Nicholas has actually been a bit of an enigma throughout his entire history, but many believe we have figured out what kind of a person he was.

He was allegedly born to a wealthy family in the Byzantine Empire around 280 AD, but both passed away, essentially ensuring a career in the church for him.

How his career in charity supposedly began was making donations from his vast wealth to poor families to help marry off their single daughters.

He served in the local church for many years, climbing up the ranks, until he became a Cardinal, which is why Santa is associated with the color red, but then he rose up the ranks even further, becoming a Bishop.

He is now the patron Saint of sailors, children, and merchants, and has become one of the largest contributors to the guy we know as Santa Claus!  But why him? Probably because as he was an orphan, he's become associated with supporting children in need.

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