Thursday, December 19, 2019

Christmas Around the World: Christmas in Mexico

Christmas is celebrated around the world, in all kinds of countries, and one that particularly fascinates me is Christmas in Mexico.

From December 16 until Christmas, what happens is that Mexican children partake in the Posadas, which are little neighborhood parades in which they sing a song about Mary and Joseph asking for lodging, and it goes like this:

Singing this song, they go from doorstep to doorstep, each doorstep decorated with evergreens and paper lanterns, asking for for lodging, as Mary and Joseph did, and in response, they are handed candles from adults, saying that they can't get lodging.  Afterwards, when the children are finished with their march, they go to their homes and have parties.  A different house holds a different party, each party having food and fireworks.

The Christmas Around the World series will continue after American Christmas, because some countries celebrate it on a later day than we do.  Stay tuned!

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