Saturday, December 7, 2019

Seuss Saturday: The Cybertronians

Now, on the Decepticons,
Had the Unicron symbol
And the Autobots,
Had nothing, not even a thimble.

The pictures weren't that big.  They were really small.
You might think such a thing wouldn't matter at all.

But because they had symbols,
 all the Decepticons
would brag, "We're the best kind of 'bots
Who tread upon our lawns."

With their snoots in the air,
They would sniff and they'd snort,
"We'll have nothing to do,
With the Autobot sort!"

And when they met some,
When they were out walking,
They'd hike on right past them,
Without even talking.

When the Decepticon children,
Went out to play ball,
Could an Autobot play?
Not at all.

You could only play if you had the Unicron logo,
And without one, playing ball was a whole no-go.

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