Sunday, December 22, 2019

Support Homeless Animals: Lonely Pup in A Christmas Shop

Christmas is a season for giving, and I would recommend that you make donations to animal shelters.  This year, many puppies will be adopted right and left, but not everybody will find homes.

This song was released around 1960, recorded by Adam Faith, and it was a smashing hit at the time, because puppies will always be a popular Christmas present, and this is sometimes the season when the shelters see the most adoptions, but it's just not always enough.  No matter what time of year it is, there are many cats and dogs who just can't have homes, many who need to be adopted and cared for.  Not every dog can afford to be a lonely pup in a Christmas shop, nor can every cat afford to be a lonely kitten in the same position.

If you're thinking about getting a present in the form of a dog or a cat, I would recommend that you seek out pets from such places, and give them homes, especially if you don't have any pets of your own, but have homes that can support them.

If you can't support a pet for any reason, be it a lack of money, a lack of space, or a concern over how pets in shelters might not be compatible with the pets you have, you can always donate to these organizations that do their best to help these animals and find good homes instead.  To donate to my local humane society, please try here  If you'd rather try the SPCA, please try here.

But if you do have pets, then if you want to give a bit of a late Christmas gift to your dog while you still have time and a chance, you can always click here.  Because it's past the 18th, there's not a guarantee that it will arive on Christmas day, so it might be a bit late, but that's okay...that's what pets are for.  To be friends who always forgive us, and will always be there to come back home to.

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