Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Whosday: Spoilers!

I must be the first to confess that I haven't really been paying much attention to the current direction of Doctor Who.  I so greally admire the Fourth Doctor from an emotional standpoint and the Tenth Doctor from a tethnical standpoint that it's altogether too easy for me to just go through newer episodes slowly or to even skip new episodes entirely.  Furthermore, I'm not the biggest fan of the current direcRion of the show, so I just generally didn’t keep particularly good track of current episodes.

However, there was news that couldn't escape even my notice.

A brand-new Doctor has been introduced, and she's not the Fourteenth Doctor.  She apparently exists before the First Doctor.  But that can't be right!

Or can it?

Consider the Morbius Doctors.  Briefly shown in The Brain of Morbius, these apocryphal incarnations existed before the First.

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