Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Christmas Around the World: Christmas in Russia

In America, you stop Christmas by the Epiphany if you're a die-hard, and by New Year's if you're a wuss...

...But in Glorious Mother Russia, Christmas stops YOU!

The Russians celebrate Christmas around January 7, after a 40-day long period of Advent beforehand, one of the longer Christmas celebrations in the world.

Given that it closes such a long holiday period for them, it is wholly surprising that the Holiday is so unimportant to them.  For them, the truly big holidays are actually both New Year's Day and the Epiphany.

Christmas actually used to be a much larger holiday in Russia, but after the Boshevik Revolution, Christmas was effectively banned in the country.  It was celebrated in secret, and so now that it's celebrated openly, it's now celebrated more quietly because the Russians are still not accustomed to a lot of attention to Christmas.

Still, they left their mark on the Holidays in a particularly potent form: The Nutcracker.

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