Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Whosday: Ranking the Doctors

This blog post is about personal opinions, and these are subject to change every single time I pull one out.  In fact, tor the anniversary post this Saturday, I will shoot for the more objective lists ranking them based on what could be considered the very best writing and what could be considered the very best acting, to keep it more objective, but this is not such a list.  Rather, this is a list of strictly personal opinions, manifest for your enjoyment!

16. The Valeyard

Not particularly exciting by the standards of incarnations of the Doctor, the Valeyard is admittedly really cool as a villain...but, as I cannot stress enough, not really that cool as the Doctor.

15. The Thirteenth Doctor

Her problem is not that she's a woman; I always saw the Doctor as being truly alien beyond measure.  Her real problem is that she's written to be such a generic Doctor that she's really, in her current state, not particularly much to write home about.  However, the same could be said about the Seventh Doctor during his first season, and look how that turned out!

14. The Shalka Doctor

A bit more amusing, the Shalka Doctor could be a mite flat and generic at times, but full of whitticisms that never cease to amuse the viewer!

13. The Third Doctor

Really a fascinating character, but far removed from what the Doctor had ought to be most of the time.

12. The Sixth Doctor

His problem was that he was not really allowed to interfere with the plots of his stories, resulting in a character who was hard to like at times simply due to not ever giving the audience a sense of shared experience.

11. The War Doctor

The War Doctor is mostly just on a low spot on this list solely due to the lack of use of the character, so we don't get to see more of him.

10. The Fifth Doctor

A bit of a flat, wet fish by current standards, the Fifth Doctor remains a favorite of mine regardless.

9. The Eighth Doctor

Perhaps more of a basket case than often given credit for, the Eighth Doctor nevertheless is a perfectly loveable incarnation of the Doctor.

8. The Seventh Doctor

Sneaky, tricky, manipulative? All of these things and more, this is the Seventh Doctor! But he's also so soulful at times.

7. The Eleventh Doctor

Whacky as they come, his only real problem is that this is all that really defines him at times.

6. The Twelfth Doctor:

Maybe if Steven Moffat stopped confusing constant dynamism with great writing, he'd be an even better version of the character.

5. The First Doctor

Where would we be without the beginning? It's often forgotten just how funny and warm this Doctor could be once he began to trust his first companions.

4. The Second Doctor

Of course, this is the one who redefined the series.

3. The Ninth Doctor

Christopher Eccleston's version of the character is easily one of the most underrated.

2. The Tenth Doctor

I absolutely loved how much he just owned being the Doctor!

1. The Fourth Doctor.

My favorite.  The best one, with everything to love about the First and Second combined in him, with several brand new traits that transferred to the rest of his incarnations, particularly the Eighth, Ninth, Tenth, and Twelfth Doctors! He's got a lot of loveable qualities, silly and scary all at once!

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