Sunday, November 3, 2019

The Return of the Blog!

After a decade of hibernation, this blog is back for a rebound!

For those of you who are new to this place, which is going to be most of you, many of you are probably asking, “what is the point of this blog?” And that’s a very good question to ask, because many good blogs come with clearly defined points.  In fact, you’re probably looking for a nice, sweet blog, focused on a single, seriously presented point, and filled with encouragement about said point until you feel nothing but a joyful drive to pursue the single passion that serves as a focal point for the blog.

…So if you are seeking out such a blog, I’m afraid you’ll have to look somewhere else.

This blog is best explained as the kind of blog that follows a serious fan-theory about Doctor Who with a more lighthearted discussion as to whether Werewolves would win or lose against robots, only to follow that with a serious discussion about a meaningful song, and then to follow that with a Dr. Seuss-style parody of  Batman comics.

(BTW, werewolves would trash robots)

There is no one focus for this blog, other than a heavy emphasis on comedy, fan-theories, science, history, and music sometimes…sometimes.  Not all the time.  This blog has no one main focus, as one would gather from the title alone.  Rather, it tackles a wide variety of topics, the only thing even remotely close to consistent being a sometimes somewhat tongue-in-cheek tone, and that’s not even going to be present all the time. Really it will cover everything that I so desire, be it photography, geek culture, gardening, cooking, self-help, writing, comics, music, filmmaking, animation, religion, understanding neurodivergence, and many more topics!

So read up as it keeps going, and enjoy! But don’t say I didn’t warn you! This is no safe space! You’re descending into a realm of mayhem and discord!

Enjoy, and always remember...Excelsior!

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