Sunday, November 10, 2019

Seuss Saturday: The Wizard in the Hat

The Wizard in the Hat
The sun did not shine
It was too wet to play
So we sat in the house
All that cold, cold, wet day.

I sat with Mister Frodo.
We sat there, we two,
And I said, “How I wish,
We had something to do!”

To wet to go out,
And too cold to kill Orcs.
So we sat in the house
Like a couple of dorks.

So all we could do was to
And we did not like it,
Not one little bit!

And then,
Something went bump!
And that bump made us jump!

We looked,
And we saw him,
Step in on the mat
We looked,
And we saw him,
Gandalf in the Hat!
And he said to us,
Why do you sit there like that?

I know it is wet,
And the sun is not sunny,
But we can have,
Lots of good fun, that is funny!
I know adventure we could have”
Said Gandalf,
“I know some magics!
A lot of good tricks!
I can show them to you!
And Bilbo
Will not mind at all if I do!”

But we didn’t know what to say,
Mister Bilbo was out of the house for that day.

But Gollum said, “No, no!
Make that thing go away!
Tell that nasty creature
You do NOT want to play!
He should not be here
He should not be about
He should not be here
While Baggins is out!”

“Now! Now! Have no fear.
Have no fear!” said Gandalf
“My tricks are not bad,”
Said Gandalf in the Hat.
“Why, we can have lots of good fun like a chimp
With a game I call
UP-UP-UP with the imp!”

“Put us down!” said Gollum.
“This is no fun at all!
Put us down!” Said Gollum.
“We do NOT wish to fall!”

“Have no fear!” said Gandalf.
“I will not let you fall.
I will hold you up high
As I stand on a ball.
With my staff in one hand!
And a cup on my hat!
But that is not all I can do!”
Said Gandalf…

“Look at me!
Look at me now!” Said Gandalf
“With bow and a dwarf
On top of my hat
I can hold up TWO staffs!
I can hold up the imp!
And a ittle sharp sword!
And some beer in a dish!
And look!
I can hop up and down on the ball!

“Look at me!
Look at me NOW!
It is fun to have fun
But you have to know how.
I can hold up the rum!
And the beer and the dwarf!
I can hold up these staffs!
And the Imp on an animorph!
I can hold the sharp little sword!
And a little blond Elf!
And look! With my foot
I can hold a Geek fan!
I can fan with the fan
As I hop on the ball!
But that is not all.
Oh no.
That is not all…

That is what Gandalf said…
Then he fell on his head!
He came down with a bump
From there up on the ball.
And Frodo and I,
Saw all the things fall!

And Gollum came down too,
He fell into a pot!
He said, “Do we like this?
Oh no! We do not.
This is not a good game,”
Said Gollum as he lit.
“No, we do not like it,
Not one little bit!”

“But I like to be here.
Oh, I like it a lot!”
Said Gandalf in the Hat
To Gollum in the pot.
“I will NOT go away.
I do NOT wish to go!
And so,” said Gandalf in the Hat,
I will show you
Another good game
That I know!

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