Monday, November 4, 2019

Musical Mondays: The First of Me Lyrics

Musical Monday: The First of Me Lyrics

For today’s Musical Monday, we will discuss The First of Me, a song by the rock band Hoobastank, and boy, is it a doozy! This one song will be the subject for multiple Musical Mondays, but for now, we will focus on the single most obvious aspect of it: The lyrics.

But first, you should listen to the song itself!

Some songs say more about people than their mouths ever will, and this song’s lyrics can be truly poignant, because it’s about a dilemma we all face, the pressure to be what is more widely acceptable, and the desire to express what you really are.  In the specific context provided in the lyrics, it’s about how musicians are often expected to focus on the marketable subjects, so often things about inspiration, breakups, victimhood, and sex, among other things…but some people just want to talk about things that are completely…off the wall, I suppose, with their music, one thinks of Emilie Autumn and her work.

However, one can apply something similar to our everyday lives.  How many of us held back, hiding what we really were in order to fit in with others, or rather, what we just assumed others expected from us? The ironic thing is that if we look back, we can often see that we were wrong anyway, that we probably would have been accepted if we just presented ourselves as that from the very start, but by being fake, not only do we cheat ourselves of opportunities to be who we really are around others, but we also cheat ourselves with self-dishonesty.  Yes, I do think the whole “keepin’ it real” culture takes it too far at times, which will be articulated in a later post, but in general, I see nothing wrong with being your most real self around others, and it’s usually the right thing to do.

And that’s partly what this blog is all about, to express who I really am for all to see, and to support others who are accepting this path as well.

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