Saturday, November 23, 2019

Oh the Places You'll Go! (Doctor Who Edition)

You're in the right place!
To travel my TARDIS
Across time and space!

With the brains in my head,
And the feet in your shoes,
We can steer ourselves,
Any direction we choose.
We're on our own, on Jelly Babies chewing,
And there's no one in the Universe who can do what we're doing.

You'll look up and down some worlds, look them over with care,
And some of you will say "I don't choose to go there."
With your head full of brains, (all of course from me),
You're far to clever to visit Metebelis III.

And you might not find any worlds
That bring joy that will last
We can just go back and time,
And see deep into their past.

The TARDIS is waiting,
So get on your way!

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