Saturday, February 1, 2020

Theory on Deadpool

Hey readers! Deadpool here! Now you chumps have been told that I used to be Wade Wilson, a former special forces operative turned mercenary.

But, what if this isn't true?

Consider the following: I'm not exactly the most reliable narrator that there ever was.  In fact, I've been known to be a fairly...unreliable narrator.  So, what if the backstory I've been telling you is something he feels obligated to concoct because he knows he's a fictional character?

If that's so, then what is my true story?

Perhaps I was never Wade Wilson at all.  Perhaps I was actually a test-tube baby grown from tissue samples of various individuals, such as Wolverine.

Maybe, born without my own identity, part of my mind made a new one, from scratch, and maybe my mental state resulted from having to essentially create parts of my mind from scratch, but living without limits such as "a grasp on reality", I was also able to figure out that I was just a fictional character.

As for my cancer?

Dolly the sheep fell victim to cancer, because she was grown in such a way that cell multiplication continued long after maturation, which is basically the same as getting cancer.  Being a test-tube baby, I was probably grown in a similar way and has thus developed a similar condition, but thanks to my healing factor, I'm not going to die from it.

Or maybe I'm just fucking with you, and everything I told you was absolute bullshit.

Or maybe not.

You'll never know.  I'll never tell.

But I'll say this much:


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