Tuesday, February 18, 2020

How Xehanort Stole Kingdom Hearts

Everybody in the Realm of Light liked the Light a lot.
But Xehanort! Who lived in the Keyblade Graveyard, did not.

Xehanort hated the Light, and all sunny seasons.
Now please don't ask why, no one knows quite the reasons.

It could be that his head wasn't screwed on just right.
It could be that his boots were just too tight.
But I think that the most likely reason to bark
Was that his heart, was two shades too dark.

But whatever the reason, his heart or his boots
He stood there, waiting, hating the coots.
Staring down from his ledge with a sour, X-Blade frown,
As the dwellers of light lit the lights of Disney Town.
For he know that every toon down beneath
Was busy hanging up a Wayfinder wreathe.

"And they're brandishing keyblades!" he said with a sneer,
"We're surrounded by Light! It's practically here!"
Then he growled, with his Heartless fingers mercilessly drumming,
"I must find a way to stop the Light from coming!"

For tomorrow, he knew...

All the toon girls and boys,
They'd wake bright and early.
They'd rush for their toys!

Oh, and all the noise, noise, noise!
That's one thing he'd hate.
All the noise noise noise!

And then, they'd sit down to a feast.

And they'd feast!
And they'd feast!
And they'd feast, feast, feast, feast!
They'd feast on vanilla pudding
And on animated beasts
Which was something Xehanort couldn't stand in the least.

They'd do something Xehanort liked least of all
Every toon, the tall and the small
Would stand together, with the town bells ringing
Every toon would join their hands
And start singing!

And they'd sing! And they'd sing!
And they'd sing, sing, sing!
And the more Xehanort thought of this toon Christmas sing
The more Xehanort thought, "I must stop this whole thing!"
Why, for seventy-five years, I've put up with it now!
I must stop this from coming...but how?"

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