Sunday, February 2, 2020

And to Think That I Saw It on Baker Street

When I leave home to walk to work,
The wife always says to me,
"Watson, keep your eyelids up
And see what you can see."

But when I tell her where I've been
And what I've seen.
She looks at me sternly,
And says "your eyesight's much too keen."

"Stop telling such outlandish tales
Stop turning minnows into whales."
Now what I can say
When I get home from work today?

On my way to work
And all the long way back
I've looked and I've looked
And I've kept careful track

But all that I've noticed, except my own feet
Was an funny-looking detective on Baker Street
That's nothing to tell of.
It won't do, of course.
Just a detective who looks like a horse.

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