Monday, October 12, 2009

My Cats

My mother said that she brought our cat Hobbes home from the shelter because he was so crazy nobody else would take him. My dad said that was the worst reason for adopting a cat that he had ever heard of. To lessen our disappointment with the "homicidal, phycho jungle cat" she brought home Calvin, so that we could enjoy a "normal" cat.

Hobbes is a huge cat with long black fur and wild yellow eyes. He got his name because he loves to pounce on our other cat, Calvin. Despite his insanity he has strong predatory and survival instincts. He will stalk anything that moves. Occasionally he succeeds in catching a bird or a rabbit, but my sister intervenes and saves the animal. This has not caused Hobbes to stop hunting, he has just moved his hunting grounds to the other side of the fence where my sister can not see him. He is highly intelligent and will open screen doors to let himself in the house. In spite of his predatory instincts and intelligence, he has a number of irrational fears, such as fear of balloons, large boots, step ladders, leashes, and new people. But he is very cuddly with the few people he trusts!

Calvin, is so named because he's such a grouch, just like the character Calvin from "Calvin and Hobbes". Calvin, is a pathetic hunter; he stares at the birds in the trees and mews pitifully. He is a brown and grey tabby with a delicate build. We call him "clastrophylic" because he loves to hide in small dark crevices away from the outside world. Calvin is the ultimate lap cat; he revels in getting attention from people. Calvin is one of the most playful cats I know. I have even taught him to play fetch. Calling him "normal" is a bit of a stretch, but he is at least a bit more sane than Hobbes.

Despsite their abnormalilties, or perhaps because of them, I have grown very fond of Calvin and Hobbes.

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