Sunday, October 11, 2009

I'm All Rocked Out

It feels as if I have studied geology all day, and it feels as if I have learned zilch. As soon as the sun rose, I saw my geology book, and I knew I had to start studying. When I finished eating my breakfast, my geology book beckoned me to study more. I obeyed for a while. Then I fed my pets. When I was done, I once again hear my geology book calling to me and I responded by reading more. Then I did my house chores, but the book ordered me to read it again! And I did exactly what it said. But I couldn't keep track of it all; there was so much to learn about sedimentary rocks and the various facts concerning them. Things such as the sedimentary environments, sedimentary facies, their connections to plate tectonics, and a whole bunch of other stuff that I have forgotten. For some reason, I just couldn't focus well.

Don't get me wrong, I did learn some things, such as the names of the sedimentary environments. The rudimentary knowledge I gained was enough to help me pass the course's online section quizzes. But I think all that I learned was deposited in my short term memory and I will have to re-learn it! So I decided to give my brain a rest for the night and tackle it again tomorrow. I have learned one important lesson though: I should not major in geology!

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